There are many reasons why a patient would be recommended a crown procedure by their dentist. A patient might have a damaged tooth or even their teeth are weak and need the support of a bridge. Whatever the reason, It is important to know about the different types of crowns. Brooksville patients will have a few different options for their procedure.

The first type of crown that needs to be mentioned are stainless steel crowns. Usually these crowns are used as temporary covers to prevent anymore decay before a permanent cap is placed. If a child was to ever need a crown, Brooksville dentists would probably uses stainless steel because they do not need to be checked up on by a dentist. Stainless steel caps are also the most cost effect when compared to custom made ones.

Metal crowns are probably the most popular because they are the oldest. These crowns are usually have a high content of gold or platinum present. Metal crowns may not look visually pleasing but they are quite strong, making them a popular choice for teeth towards the back of someone’s mouth. Metal crowns are known for their durability and they rarely break or chip. This is not always the best option though because some people have metal allergies.

If you are looking for a more natural look in a crown for your teeth, Ceramic or porcelain crowns are your best option. with ceramic crowns, Brooksville patients can have them be colored match to their surrounding teeth to make it look as real as possible. This is the big advantage that porcelain crowns over metal ones; consequently though, metal crowns are much more durable than ceramic ones. Ceramic crowns are usually used on visible front view teeth.

There is even a hybrid option that fuses porcelain and metal together to give both the strength and durability of metal, but also with the color match natural look of ceramics. No matter the situation, a dentist will have the crown the best suits your lifestyle.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*