Dental Implants Dade CityDade City patients may be considering dental implants following the loss of a tooth (or multiple teeth) as the result of periodontal disease, trauma, decay or another health problem. Dentures and bridgework can be a bit of a hassle for some individuals, as there are sometimes restrictions in terms of what you can eat. But with dental implants, you will have new teeth that look and function just as good as (or better than!) your natural teeth.

Some are hesitant to get dental implants since they do require surgery and there is some discomfort involved during the recovery period. But once you’ve healed and recovered from the procedure, you’ll be delighted to find that your new teeth look incredible, they’ll allow you to speak normally and you’ll typically have no restrictions in terms of what you can eat.

What Are the Types of Dental Implants?

Dade City dental patients will require an in-depth consultation prior to determining which type of implant is the best option for your unique dental needs. Factors include the size and density of your jaw bone, the overall integrity of your jaw bone, along with the location and number of missing teeth.

Endosteal dental implants are only viable for certain patients, such as those who have a strong, suitable jaw bone. If you lack bone density or if the height of the jaw bone isn’t sufficient to allow for the placement of the root-like portion of the implant, then you may need to opt for another type of implant.

If you just had a tooth extracted, you may need to wait for a period of time while the bone grows into the empty tooth socket. This will provide the screw or post-like element of the dental implant with a sufficient amount of bone with which it can bond. With an empty tooth socket, there’s little surface area for the implant to grip and adhere to. Your dentist could use bone grafts, which are comprised of small bone bits that are sprinkled in the area where you wish to grow more bone. This speeds the healing time.

If you’re amongst those who cannot get endosteal dental implants, Dade City patients can often opt for a different type of implant, called a subperiosteal dental implant. This variety if comprised of a framework-like structure that your dental surgeon will implant beneath your gums and atop your jaw bone. Small ports or nubs are affixed to the framework and they protrude through the gums to provide the visible portion of the implant with something to affix to.

For patients who’ve lost all of their teeth or have a full denture on one or both jaws, all-on-four implants could be a good choice. This style of implant is named for the four small nubs that protrude through the gums, serving as anchor points for the visible portion of the implant. Implants can also be used to create an anchor point for bridgework in cases where your natural teeth just aren’t strong enough to support a bridge.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*