Dental Implants HolidayHoliday, Florida dental patients may wish to consider implants whether they’re missing just one tooth or wear full dentures and want a more natural, secure option that allows you to speak normally and eat virtually anything!

While the implantation process does require surgery, most report that it’s a fairly easy and quick recovery process that’s well worth the benefits. There are many different implant types, providing options for patients depending upon their unique needs and dental condition.

What Are the Available Varieties of Dental Implants?

Holiday patients may have a couple different options when getting dental implants, while others are limited to just one option. It all depends upon the unique condition of the patient’s jaw, their bone density, the size and height of the jaw and the condition and location of any remaining teeth.

One type of dental implant is called an endosteal implant, which is best if you have sufficient bone density and enough jaw bone present to support a screw-like or post-like implant that will serve the same function as a natural tooth’s roots. In some cases, the patient may have weak bone with poor density or the area of the jaw may not be the right size.

You may need to wait to get endosteal implants if you just recently had a tooth extraction because this leaves an empty socket. This socket does not provide sufficient surface area for the implant to grip. So you may need to receive a bone graft to help promote the growth of bone in your jaw as the bone begins to fill in the empty socket. A bone graft is comprised of tiny particles of bone, which are placed in the area where the

In cases where an endosteal dental implant isn’t a viable option, you could be a candidate for a subperiosteal implant, which is comprised of a framework-type of structure that is placed below the gums but atop the bone of your jaw. There are small nubs or ports that emerge through the gums, serving as attachment points for the visible portion of your implants.

You can replace just one missing tooth or many using implants. For those who have full dentures, a good option may be all-on-four implants, which require the implantation of four small nubs that support the denture-like portion of the implant. This is a secure and easy option for replacing traditional dentures.

Implants may also be used in conjunction with bridgework. You may need an implant if your existing teeth just aren’t strong or healthy enough to support a bridge.

Caring for your new dental implants is quite simple. Once healing is complete, you will brush and floss just as you would with your natural teeth, resulting in an incredible smile that looks great for years to come!

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*