Dental Implants Weeki WacheeWeeki Wachee patients can benefit from dental implants in a variety of different situations, from the loss of a single tooth due to a trauma, to the loss of multiple teeth or even all of your teeth due to periodontal disease or decay.

When it comes to dental implants, Weeki Wachee patients enjoy many benefits, including a natural look and totally natural functioning. In short, your implants will look and behave just like your natural teeth! There’s no need for denture paste or eating restrictions for fear of losing your dentures. Also, implants can be used in conjunction with bridgework to replace multiple teeth.

Are There Different Types of Dental Implants?

Weeki Wachee natives will be evaluated in a comprehensive consultation, which includes anĀ  exam and x-rays. Based on the results of the exam and radiographs, your dentist can provide you with a recommendation for which type of implants are best for your unique needs.

One variety of implant is called an endosteal implant, which is implanted into the jaw bone via a screw or other structure that mimics the function of a natural tooth’s root. In cases where a tooth is extracted, leaving an empty socket, your dentist may need to wait for a period of time before placing the implant so the bone has time to fill in the socket, providing a greater surface area for the implant to grip. One method that’s used to speed healing involves placing small bone particles in the area, known as a bone graft.

Subperiosteal implants are another type of dental implants. Weeki Wachee patients can opt for this type of implant if they have poor bone density or a lack of sufficient bone present to support an endosteal implant. Subperiosteal dental implants are comprised of a framework-type structure that is implanted under the gums, but on top of the bone. Small ports protrude through the gums, serving as an anchor point for the visible tooth-like portion of the dental implants.

Weeki Wachee patients can opt for many different types of dental implants, from replacing just one tooth, to an implant that serves as an anchor for bridgework that replaces several missing teeth in the same area of your mouth, or you can replace your entire dentition, taking the place of traditional dentures.

For those missing an entire jaw’s worth of teeth, all-on-four dental implants are a popular as they utilize four implants with ports that protrude through the gums to anchor the teeth. These implants are a secure and natural-looking (and natural-functioning) alternative to a full denture.

After you receive your dental implants, the care is essentially the same as what would be required for your natural teeth, including frequent brushing and flossing.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*