Emergency Dentist NobletonWe all know the classic dental emergencies like tooth aches and chipped or cracked tooth but there are some pains that you may not even realize are a reason to go to the emergency dentist. Nobleton is near our dental office, Anchor Dental Care, and we offer emergency dental hours for our patients in pain. We also educate our patients on pains in their bodies that may dental related like:

A swollen jaw or pain in lower jaw.

Although, this could be happening for a long list of reasons besides a dental issue. There is also reason for concern if it the swelling does not go down and the pain continues to worsen over a couple weeks. This could be a sign of a serious tooth and gum infection that would need to be treated immediately.


If you are feeling run down and could just sleep all day it could be a sign of a dental health issue. It is important to talk to your physician to see if an emergency dental visit is necessary.

Headaches that won’t go away.

Persistent headaches could mean many different health issues but most of the time the issues could be stemming from a tooth infection or cavity. If this goes untreated for too long it could lead to more serious dental issues.

A low-grade fever with no other symptoms.

If you have a fever and there are no other symptoms to go along with it, it could be a dental related issue. A fever is your body fighting off an infection and this infection could be in your mouth without any symptoms at all.

Taking care of your teeth and gums is so important for your health. As you can see, it could lead to other pains and sickness throughout your body. If you are experiencing any unusual pain that is either clearly tooth related or possibly tooth related call your emergency dentist. Nobleton dentists agree that there is no reason to live in pain and the longer you put it off the worse it can get.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*