Porcelain dental veneers are one of the most popular types of cosmetic dentistry procedure that people get to have better confidence with the look and overall oral health of their teeth. When people get new dental veneers, High Point residents that take care of their veneers can expect about ten to fifteen years before they would need to go back to the dentists and have new ones created. There are some good tips and tricks that a patient can take into considerations that would make it even more possible that your dental veneers will last a decent amount of time before any additional work has to be done.

Don’t Grind Your Teeth

Most people know that grinding their teeth is not all too healthy as it can cause headaches and lead to poor oral health, and potentially lead to the deterioration of dental veneers. High Point residents should be aware that most teeth grinding happens while people are sleeping, and to combat this, a lot of people get into the habit of wearing a mouthguard at night. Teeth grinding also happens throughout the day for people because it is a nervous habit for some and they do not realize they are doing it.

Try to Avoid Hard Foods

Most dental procedures that are done for patients are told to avoid eating crunchy foods, and there is a good reason for it. Hard food can crack dental work or even dislodge your veneers. High Point resents are not expected to avoid eating hard foods all together, but at the very least they should at least be more cautious when they are. Some foods that are known to cause more problems than others would be really charred bread like hard pizza or sticky sweets like peanut brittle. These are just some consideration for making veneers last longer.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*