A lot of people share the common fear of going to the dentist because they are afraid that they are going to have to get a procedure or some dental work done that will be painful. Many people who have missing or cracked teeth often get dental veneers. Hill-n-Dale residents might not know much about this procedure, and the first thing that might be on the their mind would be is it going to hurt? While Veneers do take time to be made and an afternoon to be fitted into your mouth, it does not involve much pain at all.

Making a Cast for Veneers

Before a dentist can perform the cosmetic dental procedure of fitting your mouth for Veneer, Hill-n-Dale residents are going to have to have mold of their teeth taken, and later have those molds be turned into the actual veneers in a laboratory setting. Most dental veneers are typically made out of ceramic or porcelain because they not only look like real teeth and they can be stained to match your existing ones, but also they feel and are just as hard are real teeth. In all actuality, it takes longer to make the veneers than it does to have them placed in your mouth.

Installing Dental Veneers

More people are concerned with that actual dental procedure then they are of how veneers are made. The procedure usually takes a couple of hours for your dentist to fit your mouth with veneers. Hill-n-Dale residents will not have to be knocked out with anesthetic and there is little to no pain once some numbing medication is administered. After the procedure your mouth may be sore for a couple of days to a week, and you may find it weird to adjusting to eat with new teeth, but it is not dangerous and it is not painful.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*