Braces are one of the most common orthodontic procedures that anyone can get throughout their lifetime. Initially it was only common for young children to get braces done, but now it is not uncommon to see teenagers and even adults get braces put on their teeth. With Braces, Lake Lindsey residents know that it is not something that can be taken off in a week because it usually takes about two years depending on the situation and problems associated with a patient’s teeth. But why do braces have to stay on someone’s teeth for a long time in the first place?

Braces are Adjusting Bones

It is not uncommon for people to forget that teeth are just different types of bones. It takes a lot of force and a lot of time in order for something to shape or warp bones, even with the help of the best technology. A bone must be slowly trained and conditioned to the shape or direction you want it to go with braces. Lake Lindsey residents should be aware that although braces are shaping the jaw and teeth of a person’s mouth, there is still some problems that braces alone cannot correct such as an overbite or underbite.

Braces are a Gradual Process

Another reason why it takes patients so long to have their braces taken off is because in order for them to work, some things have to be changed over time. With braces, Lake Lindsey residents might notice throughout their time with seeing an orthodontist they may get different types of wires added to their mouth. Some wires have different thicknesses, while other wiles are made out of different materials, and some are even textured or riveted. Some orthodontic procedures cannot be taken care of until a previous problem has been corrected.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*