Many people are often recommended getting their teeth extracted, but are there any complications afterwards that a patient should be worried about such as an infection? Regardless of the surgical procedure, infection is always a risk for the patient, including tooth extraction. Timber Pines residents should know that as long as precautions are taken, an infection is not an issue for most people. On the other hand, many individuals are prompted to get their teeth extracted if their dentist finds signs that an infection is forming. But what causes oral infections, and what are some ways to prevent an infection from happening?

What Causes Oral Infections?

Most people have had an oral infection of some type and may not have even known because it was not a serious instance. For example, simple canker sores are actually classified as a type of oral infection. With a regular tooth extraction, Timber Pines might develop an infection because our oral bacteria can cause infection problems, and nothing more. Additionally, gingivitis is something that many people are aware of, but do not know that it is actually a type of infection. It is rumored that fifty percent or more of individuals have some degree of gingivitis affecting their gums.

How to Prevent Infections from Tooth Extraction

The number one aspect of dealing with oral infections that people should understand that oral hygiene plays a huge roll. After Tooth Extraction, Timber Pines residents that end up developing an infection at the site because they are not cleaning as well as they should. When someone gets their teeth pulled, it is recommended that they rinse their mouth out with a salt water solution after every meal. Another common reason why people develop an infection after their tooth extraction procedure is because they are chronic smokers and effect the clot in their mouth.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*