Cosmetic dentistry procedures are taken care of more often than most patients realize. A lot of the most commonly requested services patients have for their dentists fall under cosmetic dentistry. Isthachatta residents should be made aware that cosmetic dentistry procedures are meant to improve a person’s aesthetic appearance of their mouth and teeth, and does not actually improve the quality of their oral health. Most of these procedures take a few dentist visits to get completed, except for teeth whitening or teeth bleaching. These are often the most commonly requested cosmetic dentistry procedures from patients to their dental professionals.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening is the cosmetic dentistry service that most people recognize as it is simply the process of making their teeth whiter and brighter. During this procedure of cosmetic dentistry, Isthachatta patients will have their teeth coated with some kind of professional whitening solution, usually comprised of either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. One this solution is applied the procedure is still not complete. Most whitening products from a dental professional require a laser or curing light in order to activate the peroxide within the whitening or bleaching solution.

Dental Crown and Veneer procedures

Except for teeth whitening, most people who need to see a dentist do so because they have a cracked, chipped, or broken tooth that is causing them distress. Depending on where the tooth is broken, some people can feel much pain if the problem is not corrected. Minor cracks and chips do not affect the health of a patient in most cases, making it a common procedure that falls under cosmetic dentistry. Isthachatta residents often get their cracked and broken teeth corrected with a dental crown or a dental veneer. The major difference between these two procedures is how much of the tooth needs to be filed down. Dental crowns cover all the tooth while a dental veneer only covers the front of the tooth.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*