One of the most common reasons why people go to see a dental professional is because they have regular appointments for dental cleanings. Brooksville residents might be aware of how important teeth cleanings are for their health, but they may be wondering what is an appropriate time frame to get regular cleanings. Many dental professionals and insurance companies recommend that a client get their teeth professionally cleaned every six months or so. But is this a decent amount of time in between cleanings? Especially for people who have a relatively healthy mouth and clean teeth.

Six months is Great for Both People with Good and Bad Hygiene

Six months is an appropriate amount of time for people because we all gain plaque and tartar at different rates. Some people may feel that their teeth are not that dirty for dental cleanings. Brooksville residents would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to tartar and plaque because these are the things that cause cavities and tooth decay. Believe it or not, but most people go to their six-month teeth cleaning not by choice, but because that is when their insurance company allows their next cleaning.

Any Time Longer May be Detrimental to Oral Health

Six months is a good amount of time to wait for a dental cleaning because any longer after that is when plaque and tartar really start piling up. It is much harder to remove these substances once they have been on your teeth and gums for a very long time. With dental cleanings, Brooksville residents are hoping to remove any standing substances so that this build up does not happen. When plaque and tartar are left on your teeth and gums, not only is it harder to remove, but it also causes decay for your teeth and gum lines.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*