Dental veneers are made from a very strong material, and they are known to last a very long time. Yet as time progresses on, an individual may see signs that there is wear and tear on their dental veneers. Holiday residents should be aware that although dental veneers can last a very long time, they are not permanent. On average dental veneers typical last ten to fifteen years if they are taken care of well, but if someone happens to get dental veneers while they are younger, there is a good chance they will have to have them replaced at some time or another. Here are some very common signs in which that time is approaching closer than you may think.
Chips or Cracks in Dental Veneers
One of the easiest signs that it may be time to ask your dental professional about a veneer replacement or repair would be the presence of a chip or crack. Normally this happens because someone is eating a hard or crunchy food, and it cracks their veneers. Holiday residents should be aware that a crack or a chip is not as significant as losing the whole veneer. While it may be funny to chew or talk with a chipped veneer, only in severe cases will the whole veneer have to be replaced. Most of the time a dental professional is able to fix the veneer without removing the old one to make room for the next one.
Gum Related Issues
Although cracks and chips are the main sign that it’s time to replace your dental veneers, Holiday residents should be aware that another telling sign it may be time to get new veneers would be to look at their gum health. When someone experiences poor dental hygiene, their gums can start to decay, and create gaps in between the dental veneers and the individual’s gums. When enough space is achieved, it can cause the dental veneer to get lose and even fall off.
*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*