There are two dental procedures that have a reputation to being a painful process in order to correct a problem, root canals and tooth extraction. Dade City residents might know that they need to have a tooth extracted, but might be putting it off or avoiding the issue because they are afraid the process is going to be extremely painful. Dental practice has changed so much over time and many tools, practices, and medicines have been implemented and changed in order to make dental work the most comfortable for the patient, even if they are going through a tooth extraction procedure.

Many People do not Feel Much Pain During the Procedure

There is little to no pain involved in a modern tooth extraction procedure when someone is able to have a form of anesthesia. Often times the most pain someone would feel is the initial prick of a needle in order to administer the local anesthetic during tooth extraction. Dade City residents should know that they are most likely going to feel more discomfort rather than pain during the process, as it can be uncomfortable when someone is being pocked or prodded with a dental professionals’ hands in their mouth.

Pain and Discomfort after the Procedure

It is not uncommon for a patient to have lingering pain and discomfort after their tooth extraction. Dade City residents are basically getting a form of surgery done on their mouth, which takes time for the body to adjust from cutting and swelling. This pain is about as comparable to the pain someone would feel when they would be getting a shot of anesthesia. It could take a couple of days to a couple of weeks before someone starts feeling like themselves before they had tooth complications that could only be solved from extraction. During this time, in order to not escalate the amount of pain someone is feeling, it is important to pay attention to what food you are eating, and to avoid foods that are too crunchy or hard.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*