It is not uncommon for some individuals to have a convoluted idea of what a dental emergency is, and what kinds of dental issues constitute a dental emergency. In the simplest terms, a dental emergency is something that should be addressed or corrected as soon as possible by an emergency dentist. San Antonio residents might be under the impression that any pain or discomfort is a means for an emergency dental visit, but this is not true. Many dental procedures often have a side effect of some form of pain or discomfort, even if it is in the patient’s best interest to ease their pain.

Teeth Whitening or Bleaching

Many people for some reason or another do not like the way their teeth look, and one of the solutions to this would be to get your teeth whitened. Even though many people have a sense of urgency to get their teeth whiter or brighter, that does not make it an emergency that should be addressed as soon as possible by an emergency dentist. San Antonio residents should know that whitening procedures are not something that would be permanent, and if someone would like their teeth whiter again, they would have to go through another procedure.

Pain from Cavities and Tooth Decay

Many individuals already know that they should never let a cavity go unchecked for too long, because it can cause a lot of issues and pain, but with that being said, it is not something that would be handled by an emergency dentist. San Antonio residents who have a cavity can continue to go along with life without having it addressed, even though it is not recommended. Most of the time these issues can be put off long enough for someone to make an appointment, and sit down at a scheduled time to have their cavity corrected.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*