Dental Veneers are not something that is specific for one dental situation or condition, and many individuals for many reasons decided to pursue dental veneers. San Antonio residents should be made aware Even though dental veneers are a great option for many, they are not perfect for everyone, for one reason or another. This should not be seen as a negative aspect for people, because there are many alternatives to dental veneers that individuals might not be thinking about when looking up dental information online. Here are some alternatives that people can get instead of veneers that can have the same effect on them depending on their dental condition and the reason why they would consider dental veneers in the first place.

Dental Bonding

One reason why many people consider getting dental veneers for themselves is because they might have a cracked or chipped tooth. This is something that is most definitely corrected by dental veneers. San Antonio residents should also know that there are other options for correcting cracked or chipped teeth. For example, one of the many other options is corrections with dental bonding. The resin that is used in dental bonding can be custom shaped or sculpted, as well as polished and colored to make them look and feel like real teeth to both the patient and those perceiving their smile.

Teeth Whitening Solutions

Sometimes, a person might be considering dental veneers because they do not like the color of their teeth, often from years of drinking coffee and tea, or from smoking. Having brighter and whiter teeth is something that can be possible with dental veneers. San Antonio residents should be made aware that dental veneers were never created to be a way for someone to whiten their teeth, however it is no doubt a benefit when getting them. If your teeth are not badly damaged or if they are not crooked and causing problems, a patient should first consider something less invasive such as teeth bleaching.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*