Dentures are a lot more common than people may realize. In years past the only people who would be interested in dentures is someone who had lost a majority of their teeth over the course of their lives, but now people younger and younger are becoming more socially acceptable to the fact that dentures are not something that is only exclusive to one age group. This is why some people younger than fifty end up looking for a dentist near me. Brookridge resident should be made aware of some common misconceptions and concerns that individuals have when they are talking to their dental professional about getting dentures.
Does a Patient Have to see a Specialist for Dentures?
Many people consider dentures to be something that is unique and special, similar to that of getting braces or a retainer. Some individuals are under the impression that they would have to go see a specialist, instead of a dentist near me. Brookridge residents should know that they do not need to explicitly see a specialist for dentures, known as a prosthodontist. In fact, your dentist may work with a specialist in order to get the dentures made for their patients, but having a patient’s teeth extracted and then placing the new dentures is something that would be handled by your regular dental professional.
When Someone Gets Dentures, Do They Still Have to go to the Dentist?
One common misconception some individuals have after getting dentures for themselves is that they think that they do not have to go to the dentist anymore. The logic behind this mentality is that they no longer have teeth that need to be cared for and looked at. Even if someone has dentures, they need to go see a medical professional, so it is still a good idea to see a dentist near me. Brookridge residents should know that teeth are not the only thing that is needed to care for in a patient’s mouth.
*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*