Getting a dental cap or a dental crown is one of the most common dental procedures that many people get at least once in their lifetime. Oftentimes it is due to tooth decay or a break in the tooth, which can be supported and corrected by dental crowns. Holiday residents should be made aware that dental crowns are not a permanent solution to a decaying or broken tooth. Even though a dental crown can last many years without needing to be re-cemented or replaced, there may come a time when someone will have to schedule an appointment with their dental professional to get the issue corrected.

Scheduling an Appointment for Dental Crowns

Most people think that if their dental crown is loose or if it has come off that they will be able to walk into their dentist office and get the issue corrected immediately, but this is not always the case. It takes some time to re-cement a loose crown or to make a new one if it is that badly damaged, so scheduling an appointment is important when getting dental crowns. Holiday residents should be made aware that timing is everything when it comes to dental work, and being able to call a professional to set a time is important. If the dental work is causing someone a lot of pain or discomfort, a dental professional may be able to see a patient more quickly than if they waited for their appointment.

Getting new Crowns Made

Not every instance where someone breaks or loses their dental crown will prompt a dental professional to make a new mold of the tooth to be turned into dental crowns. Holiday residents should know that some dentists will be able to reattach the dental crown without additional work, and also if a dental office has the mold or casting of the original crown, they will not have to make another one. There are some instances where a patient will have to go through the process of having a crown made from a mold again.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*