Having clean teeth is one of the major factors that determines if someone will have nice white teeth that anyone can be proud of. Even though brushing teeth twice a day is technically cleaning someone’s teeth, it is not the same as professional dental cleanings. Nobleton residents should know that they should consider getting regular cleanings for their teeth because it can help them look even better than expected, as well as have healthier teeth in the long run when compared to teeth that are cleaned by brushing alone. This may make people wonder how often they should go to the dentist for a cleaning, which is a responsibility that everyone should try to fulfill for themselves and their children.

Cleanings At Least Once a Year

There is no limit to how many times that someone needs to get a cleaning each year, but it is recommended by the American Dental Association that everyone should go once a year for dental cleanings. Nobleton residents should know that some conditions or complications should prompt individuals to seek dental cleanings more often, such as periodontal disease. Some habits can also prompt someone to want to get their teeth cleaned more regularly, such as habitual smoking or someone that drinks coffee and tea a lot or other staining foods.

Cleanings are Great for Preliminary Examinations

Having teeth cleaned is great for the oral health of the patient, but it is also a good time for dentists to examine a patient’s teeth when they come in for routine dental cleanings. Nobleton residents may have a habit of only going to the dentist when they know that something doesn’t feel right or that something is hurting them, but cleanings are a good opportunity to see if anything serious is developing or if there is a change in a patient’s teeth or overall dental health. Patients can think of dental cleanings a lot like yearly physicals but for their teeth and gums.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*