Most of us want to have a nice smile that has bright white teeth and good oral health. The best way to achieve this is to regularly keep up with brushing and flossing, as well as going to a dental office regularly for routine dental cleanings. Timber Pines residents know that dental cleanings are not something that hurt, but rather helps them, and if this is the case, why wouldn’t they want to have dental cleanings as often as they can? Having multiple cleanings is not something that people should consider on a regular basis. Most of the time one cleaning a year is enough to help people maintain good oral health and a better smile.

Multiple Cleanings May Ruin Teeth

When something is good for someone, you wouldn’t think that over using it would cause problems, but this can be a possibility when talking about too many dental cleanings. Timber Pines residents should be made aware that polishing and buffing teeth can help eliminate a lot of plaque and tartar build up but if it is done too frequently, it can end up thinning out and possibly removing the enamel from teeth which could cause more decay. This is similar to how some types of flooring like marble should not be polished as often as they can, but only when they are needed.

Dental Cleanings are Only Needed About Once a Year

Even though dental cleanings are a service that everyone should be seeking for themselves, they are not something that needs to happen on a monthly or quarterly basis. When it comes to regular dental cleanings, Timber Pines residents should know that they can get away with only needing one once every year or so. Unless someone needs a deep dental cleaning, which is something that is completely separate from a regular dental cleaning, a person should know that enough plaque and tartar would be removed to let them go a year or so without needing any additional cleaning.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*