When it comes to issues dealing with oral health, oftentimes some outcomes of procedures could be patients who are not allowed to eat or drink for a certain period of time. Even though it is not as evasive as getting a cavity filled or having a root canal done, this can also be the outcome of regular dental cleanings. Land O Lakes residents might be wondering how long it is they have to wait before they can eat and drink without them worrying about ruining the work done, and this can often change depending on the type of work that was done during cleanings.

Was Fluoride Applied After Cleanings?

Fluoride is a common chemical that is used in dental work because it is known to help strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay. It is often applied onto a patient’s teeth after they have gotten dental cleanings. Land O Lakes residents should know that if fluoride was applied to their teeth during a dental cleaning, then they are going to have to wait a little longer to eat or drink something that if they were to not get their teeth cleaned. Fluoride needs a little time in order to be hard to effectively protect teeth, and eating or drinking too early may remove the fluoride before it has had a chance to harden.

Normal Recommendations are thirty Minutes to an Hour

When patients are getting ready to leave from their dental cleanings, Land O Lakes residents will probably be recommended to wait at least thirty minutes before they are to eat or drink something. If a dental professional is being on the cautious side, they may recommend that their patients wait at least an hour or so before they attempt to consume food or beverages. A dental professional may tell their patients that along with waiting a decent amount of time, they should avoid foods that are way too hot in terms of temperature and also crunchy or hard foods which can all damage the word done at a dental cleaning.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*