Everyone is recommended to get a tooth cleaning regularly regardless of age, and this includes older children. It may be a good idea to start children young with dental cleanings because even young children can get tooth decay. Even though younger children have nothing to fear about regular dental cleanings, Port Richey residents should be made aware that children do have an overactive imagination and think that something sneaky or nefarious is going to happen when in all actually, there isn’t. Some parents which they knew what to do or what to say to make their child feel more at ease, as it would be easier for the child and the dental professionals that will be working on their teeth.

There are No Needles or Shots Involved with Dental Cleanings

There is no question that one of the most common reasons why a child may be frightened while at a dental cleaning is the fear of pain in reaction to the instruments that a dental professional will use. Even some children get anxious when sitting at a doctor’s office for fears of getting a shot or vaccine, and this is also true for dental cleanings. Port Richey residents with children can try to reassure them that there is nothing scary about the instruments that are used in dental cleanings. The most common one that makes children act funny are the hooked tools that are used to remove the plaque from their teeth.

Dental Cleanings Should be Treated as a Regular Activity

One best way children get over their fears of being hurt at the dentist is to make sure to get them into the habit of regular dental cleanings. Port Richey residents should know that bringing a child to the dentist while they are young gives them the best chance that something serious is not going to develop. When this is done once a year, a child will gradually come to understand that there is nothing scary about going to have your teeth cleaned at the dentist.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*