It is not an understatement to say that there are some people that look forward to getting their teeth cleaned regularly by dental professionals. When it comes to professional dental cleanings, St. Leo residents will come to find that having clean teeth can be one of the great feelings that someone can feel when it comes to their teeth and mouth. They may lead some people to think that the more dental cleanings they get, the better their mouth and teeth will be, but this is not exactly true. There are good reasons why dental cleanings are only recommended once or twice a year because it could have adverse side effects.

Dental Cleanings can be Hard on Gums and Teeth

Removing plaque and tartar that has been building up for months is not as easy as simply selecting the right kind of toothpaste or using the right instrument. There is going to be some degree of force that needs to be applied by dental professionals when performing dental cleanings. St. Leo residents should know that this is why some people report feeling sore or tender after getting a dental cleaning, and it is perfectly normal. If someone was to get multiple dental cleanings in a short period of time, it can cause some unnecessary pain.

The Amount of Tartar and Plaque Being Removed

Dental professionals often recommend that their patients get a cleaning at least once a year to fully maximize the amount of tartar and plaque that builds up in between dental cleanings. St. Leo professionals need to let their patients know that plaque and tartar build up is not something that happens overnight, and while additional cleanings is a good way to remove this excess material, it is not always the best to perform dental cleanings when little to no plaque needs to be removed. For example, someone can change their tires every couple of months, and they will notice better performance and handling when doing so, but it is not necessary. The tires still have a good amount of tread and can go longer without needing to be replaced. Although the comparison is not exactly the same, the situations are comparable when talking about dental cleanings.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*