Dental crowns are one of the more common dental procedures or dental work that is handled on a daily basis. Dental crowns are often put on teeth that have been damaged by physical forces, such as with a crack or chip, or due to the result of extensive tooth decay.

This means that in most circumstances, an individual is going to want a dental crown put on their problematic tooth as soon as possible in order to minimize the issues and complications they are dealing with.

When it comes to porcelain crowns, Istachatta residents should be made aware that in most cases a dental professional is not going to be able to put a dental crown on a problematic tooth right away. There is a specific process that is involved to ensure that dental crowns are going to be safe and secure for every patient.

Understanding How Dental Crowns are Custom Made

The main reason why a dental professional is typically not able to get a dental crown on a patient as soon as possible is for the simple reason that they are custom-made. When it comes to porcelain crowns, Istachatta residents should understand that one size does not fit all, and there is a lot of custom work that is done to ensure that everything is going to fit and function correctly.

The first thing that needs to be considered is which teeth in a patient are having issues, and which crown would be best suited to fix a specific issue. For example, if it is a front tooth that is broken,  a dental crown may not be the best solution, but rather a veneer or bonding solution.

If a dental professional determines that a dental crown is the best solution, a dentist is going to have to take a mold of the tooth, so that they can ensure that the dental crown will fit properly. This is not something that is typically done in one day.

Utilizing Temporary Dental Crowns

No one wants to be told that they are going to have to come back to their local dental office in order to be fitted with their new porcelain crown. Istachatta residents should be made aware that you are not sent home without any type of aid or support.

It is quite common that after determining a dental issue can be fixed by a dental crown, that a temporary dental crown is placed on the tooth in order to prevent further damage, but also to help alleviate some of the complications that comes with normal actions such as eating food and drinking water.

Temporary crowns are not as form fitting as their real counterparts. They can fall out and get damaged if someone is not being careful, but luckily, a patient will not have to wait too many days until they are able to be fitted with their real porcelain crowns.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*