Getting braces is quite common nowadays for both children, teenagers, and even adults. While the function of braces hasn’t changed much over many years of use, there are now a few different options that an individual or parents need to consider.

For example, one of the more popular options that many people are talking to their dentists and orthodontists about are invisible braces. Nobleton residents should know that invisible braces are more like traditional retainers than they are metal braces, but they still help shift teeth and make them straighter over time.

Because invisible braces are not as common as traditional metal wire and bracket braces, many people have a lot of different questions about how they work and what they should do to make the process as successful as possible. One of these common questions that people have is if they need to clean their invisible braces.

Why Cleaning Any Braces is Important

Regardless of what type of braces you or your child has on currently, it will always be important to spend some extra time to clean your braces, and this includes invisible braces. Nobleton residents should know that food particles and plaque are notorious for finding their way in the tight cracks and spaces of braces, even those that can be periodically removed.

After you have braces on your teeth, dental professionals and orthodontic professionals will recommend that you brush your teeth after each meal, and there are good reasons for doing this.

Plaque buildup can easily be noticed on braces, and they can cause specific issues such as bad breath, or more proactive tooth decay in serious circumstances. Just like regular teeth need to be cleaned daily, it is recommended that people also do the same when they have braces.

How to Clean Braces?

Cleaning braces is something that needs to be done properly. Some people may take some time to clean their braces, but oftentimes, they are not doing a good enough job. This is bad because it can lead to a slow buildup of food particles and plaque, which is the one thing that you are trying to get rid of by regularly cleaning.

When it comes to invisible braces, Nobleton residents should know that scrubbing them with a toothbrush is not recommended. This is fine on traditional metal braces, but for invisible braces, you can end up wearing them down and scratching them.

The best way to clean invisible braces is to buy specific cleaner products. The most common are little tablets that dissolve in water, similar to denture cleaners.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*