Dental caps are used to restore and protect teeth that have been damaged or weakened over time, or by a sudden action such as a sport’s related injury or an automobile accident.

When it comes to dental caps, Zephyrhills residents should know that they might know them as dental crowns, as that is another common name that they go by, but they are the same thing and the same function.

Not everyone will need one or more dental crowns in their lives, while other people will get them recommended to them by their dental professional. But when is the right time for someone to get dental caps for their teeth? This is a common question that some patients will ask their dental professionals, but it can be different from person to person depending on the specific issue with a tooth and how it was caused.

Severe Tooth Issues That Need to be Corrected

One of the most common reasons why a dental professional will recommend a dental cap to their patients is because of tooth issues. The types of issues can vary drastically, but essentially a dental cap is placed on a tooth that can no longer function properly without causing some sort of pain or discomfort.

When it comes to dental caps, Zephyrhills residents should know that cracked or fractured teeth will hurt with regular chewing and drinking, but it can be corrected with a new cap. Tooth decay is another common reason when a dental cap would be appropriate to improve the structure and function of a tooth that has been severely damaged by tooth decay.

Another instance when dental caps are needed is when a more serious issue that causes intensive care to be needed. For example, dental caps are common after a person has gone through with a root canal procedure and a dental professional has handled the issue.

Cosmetic Reason for Getting Dental Caps

Apart from dental caps helping with severe tooth issues, some people may get recommended dental caps if they are looking to fix the look of their teeth. This is often called cosmetic dentistry.

The type of cosmetic issues that can be helped by dental caps can vary a lot. When it comes to cosmetic issues and dental caps, Zephyrhills residents should know that it can help straighten out poorly aligned teeth that are not in need of braces or other orthodontic work.

Misshapen teeth are another concern that can be corrected by a dental cap, but there is going to need to be some additional work done before the crown can be placed onto someone’s teeth. Additionally, dental caps can help improve the cosmetic appearance of a tooth that is so badly stained or discolored that it cannot be fixed with regular brushing or bleaching efforts.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*