Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure used to remove a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. It is performed by dentists or oral surgeons for various reasons, including severe tooth decay, advanced gum disease, impacted wisdom teeth, or to prepare for orthodontic treatment.

When talking about tooth extraction, Crystal River residents should know that oftentimes there is a clear set of processes that are taken from start to finish. This process begins before the patient sits down for their operation, and will continue afterward as well.

Here we will go over some of these processes so that an individual may feel more comfortable going into the procedure, and have more confidence that they will be able to handle postoperative care.

Initial Examination and X-Rays

A dental professional begins by examining a patient’s teeth and taking X-rays to assess the tooth’s condition, location, and the surrounding structures like nerves and bone.

Typically, before this is done in preparation of future tooth extraction, Crystal river residents will provide information about their medical history, allergies, medications, and any pre-existing conditions. A person will also sign a consent form after being informed about the procedure

Anesthesia and Tooth Extraction Procedures

Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area around the tooth to be extracted. It would be extremely painful for an individual to go through this procedure without it.  In some cases, general anesthesia or conscious sedation may be used for pain and anxiety control.

Once the area is numb, a dentist or oral surgeon will use specialized dental instruments to loosen and extract the tooth. For simple extractions, the dentist grasps the tooth with forceps and gently rocks it back and forth to remove it. For complex extractions, such as impacted wisdom teeth, an incision in the gum tissue may be necessary.

Post-Extraction Instructions 

Once the procedure has been completed, a patient will receive instructions on caring for the extraction site and managing discomfort or swelling. When it comes to taking care of yourself after tooth extraction, Crystal River residents should know that it is essential to follow these instructions for proper healing.

Healing takes a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the extraction’s complexity. During this time, avoid certain foods, strenuous activities, and smoking to aid healing. A patient will have a follow-up appointment with your dentist to ensure proper healing and address concerns.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*