Dental bridges are a great option for people who have trouble with one or more teeth, but are not in a position to be helped by getting dentures for themselves.

When a dentist recommends a patient of theirs get dental bridges, Dunnellon residents should know that this can help individuals who have trouble with one or more teeth that have been damaged or are missing altogether.

Dental bridges may be able to replace some teeth that are giving an individual trouble, but it is important to keep in mind that they may not be as strong as real teeth. This means that a person will have to watch what they eat if they want to keep their dental bridges looking great and in working order.

What Foods Should Patients be Careful of?

It will take a lot of force in order for a patient to break a dental bridge that is to replace one or more teeth that have been broken or missing. In order to achieve this amount of force, a person is going to have to bite down forcefully on something that is hard.

Hard foods are notorious for causing issues for people who have braces or other types of dental work. Some examples of this include items such as peanut brittle, frozen foods like frozen chocolate, and even food that is too burnt.

A dental professional will not say that a patient should avoid these hard foods at all cost, but it is very important for the individual to know when something is too hard for them to bite into. As long as these hard foods are eaten in moderation, and carefully, they should not cause too many issues for a person and their dental work.

Crunchy Foods Can Also Cause Issues for Dental Bridges

Another type of food that people often overlook when they have dental work in their mouths are crunchy foods. Something as common as kettle chips can have enough force when biting down to loosen or break dental bridges that are helping a patient.

When it comes to crunchy foods and dental bridges, Dunnellon residents should know that these items seem harmless by themselves, but when someone is trying to bite into multiple of them, it can cause issues.

Another common way that a crunchy food can end up damaging or loosening dental bridges a patient may have is popcorn kernels. These items are harder to avoid because a lot of times people eating popcorn do not know that a kernel is present until it is too late. 

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*