Many individuals are quick to think that dentistry is a modern practice because of all the tools and medical equipment that are used in procedures. This however is not the truth as dental practices have been in use for thousands of years. They may not have the same methods or tools to perform tooth extraction, but Nobelton residents should know that having a problem tooth being removed is no new fad. Dental procedures of ancient times appropriately seem barbaric compared to the methods of extraction we use today. Here are some interesting periods of time when dental practice was still in its infancy.

Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia

Some of the earliest civilizations on Earth have been known to have at least some basic knowledge of dental procedures for tooth extraction. Nobelton residents might be shocked to know that most tooth extractions up into modern times were used without any pain medicine or special tools. An Egyptian scribe named Hesy-Re is often credited as being the first documented dental practitioner in the year 2600 BCE. In all actuality, it was not uncommon for people up until medieval times to survive a dental procedure.

Dentist Practices of the Middle Ages

Believe it or not, but in the French areas of the Middle Ages, barbers were tasked with performing tooth extractions. Nobleton residents might not be aware that It wasn’t until the mid-16th century that dentistry became firmly established as its own discipline. With the invention of the printing press, it was much easier for professionals to get access to knowledge about oral health or specifically tooth extraction because it was a very common practice. The next real leap in dentistry comes in the 18th century with improvements of medical devices for dentistry purposes.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*