Believe it or not, many people often consider dental procedures based on how old they are. For example, braces can be fitted for anyone who is interested in correcting their tooth alignment, but they are often considered only for children and teenagers. Many people have that same mentality when they consider dental veneers. Nobleton residents should be aware that patients may receive dental veneers at any age depending on their dentists’ professional opinion. Dentist’s have seen patients of every age group get dental veneers and correct mistakes that they are having with their teeth and mouth.

Do Children Need Dental Veneers?

Out of all the age groups that are eligible for dental veneers, Nobleton residents should know that kids are often not recommended this procedure unless it is an absolute necessity. A child is not going to get recommended dental veneers if their only issue is that their teeth are not bright enough nor are they aligned properly. It is more common for children who have had some damage to their mouth or teeth get fitted for dental veneers. Most commonly out of the many scenarios of this happening would be a child go a sports related injury, and they have broken or chipped a tooth.

Are Veneers Appropriate for Elderly Patients?

Most people assume that the only procedures elderly patients get at a dentist office is to have their teeth removed for dentures. Not everyone in their lifetime will have their teeth degrade over time and need dentures. For those individuals who have only one broken tooth or problem area should consider dental veneers. Nobleton residents should not go through with an intensive procedure if they do not really need to have it done. Dental veneers are a great option for patients of all ages who only have one problem tooth or area in their mouth.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Anchor Dental Care*